Laravel FilePond with Livewire

From Unsplash

Laravel FilePond with Livewire

#php #laravel #filepond #blade #livewire



FilePond is a JavaScript library that can upload anything you throw at it, optimizes images for faster uploads, and offers a great, accessible, silky smooth user experience. When you want to build an image upload component in your Laravel application with Blade and Livewire, FilePond is a great choice.

I use Filament as admin panel, and Filament use FilePond to upload images. This article offer to create a component to upload images with FilePond and Livewire, to upload files and retrieve them into Filament. And I use Tailwind CSS for styling, but you can use any CSS framework or vanilla CSS.

Of course, if you want to build a native file upload component, you could use Alpine.js but you will have to handle all upload options with preview, progress, error handling, multiple files, etc. It's a lot of work to develop and maintain. I try to develop it... it was a nightmare.

With FilePond, you can build a great image upload component in a few minutes. The main problem is documentation is not very clear and there is no example with Livewire. So, I will show you how to do it.

FilePond documentation isn't really user-friendly, with few examples. I really advise to check this library with TypeScript to have a better understanding of the API. In this article, we will use Alpine.js and FilePond CDN to create a component without any dependency, but you could create an component to have a better code organization and reusability.

Why Livewire?

I use Livewire to build my components because it's a great library to build interactive UIs without writing JavaScript. You could just write PHP and create async components, it's just amazing.

And Alpine.js?

You could write vanilla JavaScript if you want, I use Alpine.js because it's a great library to write declarative JavaScript. It's a great companion to Livewire, and it's very lightweight.

Source code

If you want to have final result, without details, you can find the source code of this gist on GitHub.

Don't forget to add @stack directives to your root Blade file, usually resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php. See Let's start section for more details. And window.appUrlStorage is a global variable to your application storage URL, usually {{ config('app.url') }}/storage. See Add FilePond section for more details.

Let's start

First, we will create a new Blade component with the command:

php artisan make:component Field/Upload

Now you will have two files, PHP file in app/View/Components/Field/Upload.php and Blade file in resources/views/components/field/upload.blade.php (if you have default views.paths in your config/view.php).

Before anything, you have to add Blade directives @stack to your root Blade file, usually resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php:

<head>  <!-- ... -->  @stack('head')</head><body>  <!-- ... -->  @stack('scripts')</body>

Now we can push (only once) FilePond CDN to our head and after body sections:

@pushOnce('head')<link href="" rel="stylesheet" /><link  href=""  rel="stylesheet"/>@endPushOnce<div>  <!-- Future FilePond component --></div>@pushOnce('scripts')<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script>  FilePond.registerPlugin(FilePondPluginFileValidateType);  FilePond.registerPlugin(FilePondPluginFileValidateSize);  FilePond.registerPlugin(FilePondPluginImagePreview);</script>@endPushOnce

And now, FilePond is available, we can build our component:

@pushOnce('head')  // ...@endPushOnce<div  class="relative"  wire:ignore  x-cloak  x-data="{    model: @entangle($attributes->whereStartsWith('wire:model')->first()),    isMultiple: {{ $multiple ? 'true' : 'false' }},    current: undefined,    currentList: [],    async URLtoFile(path) {},  }"  x-init="async () => {}"></div>@pushOnce('scripts')  // ...@endPushOnce

Into PHP file, we will add some properties, we will inject them into our Alpine.js to fill FilePond configuration options. You can add some options, see FilePond documentation for more details.

<?phpnamespace App\View\Components\Field;use Closure;use Illuminate\View\Component;use Illuminate\View\View;class Upload extends Component{    /**     * Create a new component instance.     */    public function __construct(        public string $name = 'file',        public bool|int $multiple = false,        public bool|int $validate = true,        public bool|int $preview = true,        public bool|int $required = false,        public bool|int $disabled = false,        public int $previewMax = 200,        public array|string $accept = ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/webp', 'image/avif'],        public string $size = '2MB',        public int $number = 10,        public string $label = '',        public string $sizeHuman = '',        public array|string $acceptHuman = [],    ) {    }    /**     * Get the view / contents that represent the component.     */    public function render(): View|Closure|string    {        return view('components.field.upload');    }}

So, in any Livewire form, you can use this component like this:

<x-field.upload  name="avatar"  wire:model="avatar"  multiple  validate  preview  required  disabled  preview-max="200"  accept="image/png, image/jpeg"  size="4mb"  number="4"/>
  • name="avatar" is the name of the input.
  • wire:model="image" is the Livewire model.
  • multiple is a boolean to allow multiple files.
  • validate is a boolean to validate files.
  • preview is a boolean to show preview.
  • required is a boolean to make the input required.
  • disabled is a boolean to disable the input.
  • preview-max="200" is the maximum height of the preview.
  • accept="image/png, image/jpeg" is the accepted MIME types.
  • size="4mb" is the maximum size of the file.
  • number="4" is the maximum number of files.
We will set these options into FilePond to interact directly with the component.

Handle props

Before send data to Alpine.js, we will handle some props:

public function render(): View|Closure|string{    // Set boolean values    if (! $this->multiple) {        $this->multiple = 0;    }    if (! $this->validate) {        $this->validate = 0;    }    if (! $this->preview) {        $this->preview = 0;    }    if (! $this->required) {        $this->required = 0;    }    if (! $this->disabled) {        $this->disabled = 0;    }    // Prepare accept files to JSON    if (is_string($this->accept)) {        $this->accept = explode(',', $this->accept);    }    $this->accept = array_map('trim', $this->accept);    $this->accept = array_filter($this->accept);    $this->accept = array_unique($this->accept);    $this->accept = array_values($this->accept);    $this->accept = array_map('strtolower', $this->accept);    $fileTypes = $this->accept;    $this->accept = json_encode($this->accept);    // Set size human for UI    $this->sizeHuman = $this->size;    // Prepare files types for UI    foreach ($fileTypes as $type) {        $new = explode('/', $type);        if (array_key_exists(1, $new)) {            $this->acceptHuman[] = ".{$new[1]}";        }    }    $this->acceptHuman = implode(', ', $this->acceptHuman);    return view('components.field.upload');}

Add some HTML

Now, we can add some HTML to our component:

<div  class="relative"  wire:ignore  x-cloak  x-data="{      model: @entangle($attributes->whereStartsWith('wire:model')->first()),      isMultiple: {{ $multiple ? 'true' : 'false' }},      current: undefined,      currentList: [],      async URLtoFile(path) {},  }"  x-init="async () => {}">  <div    class="relative"    wire:ignore    x-cloak    x-data="..."  >    @if ($label)      <div class="flex items-center justify-between">        <label          class="block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100"          for="{{ $name }}"        >          {{ $label }} @if ($required)            <span              class="text-red-500"              title="Required"            >*</span>          @endif        </label>        <div class="text-xs text-gray-400">Size max: {{ $sizeHuman }}</div>      </div>    @endif    <div class="flex items-center justify-between text-xs text-gray-400">      <div>Formats: {{ $acceptHuman }}</div>      <div>        {{ $multiple ? 'Multiple' : 'Single' }} @if ($multiple)          <span>({{ $number }} files max)</span>        @endif      </div>    </div>    <div class="mt-5">      <input        type="file"        x-ref="{{ $attributes->get('ref') ?? 'input' }}"      />    </div>    @error('image')      <p class="mt-2 text-sm text-red-600">{{ $message }}</p>    @enderror  </div></div>
FilePond will replace the input <input type="file" x-ref="{{ $attributes->get('ref') ?? 'input' }}" />.

Add FilePond

Now we can add FilePond to our component. But first, we need to add global method. I use the window variable window.appUrlStorage, I register it globally this variable in root Blade view.

<script>  window.appUrlStorage = "{{ config('app.url') . '/storage' }}";</script>

Retrieve uploaded files

We just add a method to retrieve uploaded files, URLtoFile().

<div  class="relative"  wire:ignore  x-cloak  x-data="{      model: @entangle($attributes->whereStartsWith('wire:model')->first()),      isMultiple: {{ $multiple ? 'true' : 'false' }},      current: undefined,      currentList: [],      async URLtoFile(path) {          let url = `${window.appUrlStorage}/${path}`;          let name = url.split('/').pop();          const response = await fetch(url);          const data = await response.blob();          const metadata = {              name: name,              size: data.size,              type: data.type          };          let file = new File([data], name, metadata);          return {              source: file,              options: {                  type: 'local',                  metadata: {                      name: name,                      size: file.size,                      type: file.type                  }              }          }      }  }"  x-init="async () => {}">  ...</div>

The method URLtoFile() will fetch the file from the storage and return a FilePond object to display it. The user can delete it to upload a new file.

Add FilePond options

We will add File some options to FilePond:

<div  class="..."  x-data="{      ...  }"  x-init="async () => {  let picture = model  let files = []  let exists = []  if (model) {      if (isMultiple) {          currentList = => `${window.appUrlStorage}/${picture}`);          await Promise.all( (picture) => exists.push(await URLtoFile(picture))))      } else {          if (picture) {              exists.push(await URLtoFile(picture))          }      }  }  files = exists  let modelName = '{{ $attributes->whereStartsWith('wire:model')->first() }}'  const notify = () => {      new Notification()          .title('File uploaded')          .body(`You can save changes!`)          .success()          .seconds(1.5)          .send()  }  const pond = FilePond.create($refs.{{ $attributes->get('ref') ?? 'input' }});  pond.setOptions({      allowMultiple: {{ $multiple ? 'true' : 'false' }},      server: {          process: (fieldName, file, metadata, load, error, progress, abort, transfer, options) => {              @this.upload(modelName, file, load, error, progress)          },          revert: (filename, load) => {              @this.removeUpload(modelName, filename, load)          },          remove: (filename, load) => {              @this.removeFile(modelName,              load();          },      },      allowImagePreview: {{ $preview ? 'true' : 'false' }},      imagePreviewMaxHeight: {{ $previewMax ? $previewMax : '256' }},      allowFileTypeValidation: {{ $validate ? 'true' : 'false' }},      acceptedFileTypes: {{ $accept ? $accept : 'null' }},      allowFileSizeValidation: {{ $validate ? 'true' : 'false' }},      maxFileSize: {!! $size ? "'" . $size . "'" : 'null' !!},      maxFiles: {{ $number ? $number : 'null' }},      required: {{ $required ? 'true' : 'false' }},      disabled: {{ $disabled ? 'true' : 'false' }},      onprocessfile: () => notify()  });  pond.addFiles(files)  pond.on('addfile', (error, file) => {      if (error) {          console.log('Oh no');          return;      }  });}">  ...</div>

Some details

Into global model, with @entangle, we can find all uploaded files. To handle existing files, we use previous method URLtoFile() to fetch the file from the storage. If multiple is enabled, we create an array, otherwise we create an array with just one file. modelName is binded with Livewire to handle the upload.

let picture = modellet files = []let exists = []if (model) {  if (isMultiple) {    currentList = => `${window.appUrlStorage}/${picture}`);    await Promise.all( (picture) => exists.push(await URLtoFile(picture))))  } else {    if (picture) {        exists.push(await URLtoFile(picture))    }  }}files = existslet modelName = '{{ $attributes->whereStartsWith('wire:model')->first() }}'

To send notifications when upload process is finished, we use Filament notifications.

function notify() {  new Notification()    .title('File uploaded')    .body(`You can save changes!`)    .success()    .seconds(1.5)    .send()}

And finally, we create FilePond instance with some options. First, we need to bind it to previous input element.

const pond = FilePond.create($refs.{{ $attributes->get('ref') ?? 'input' }});

Now, we can add options from PHP file, you can add more options if you need it. You can see some Livewire methods with @this.upload, @this.removeUpload and @this.removeFile, it's really amazing to handle uploads with Livewire you need to add Livewire\WithFileUploads trait to your Livewire component. And with onprocessfile() event, we notify the user that the upload is finished.

pond.setOptions({  allowMultiple: {{ $multiple ? 'true' : 'false' }},  server: {    process: (fieldName, file, metadata, load, error, progress, abort, transfer, options) => {      @this.upload(modelName, file, load, error, progress)    },    revert: (filename, load) => {      @this.removeUpload(modelName, filename, load)    },    remove: (filename, load) => {      @this.removeFile(modelName,      load();    },  },  allowImagePreview: {{ $preview ? 'true' : 'false' }},  imagePreviewMaxHeight: {{ $previewMax ? $previewMax : '256' }},  allowFileTypeValidation: {{ $validate ? 'true' : 'false' }},  acceptedFileTypes: {{ $accept ? $accept : 'null' }},  allowFileSizeValidation: {{ $validate ? 'true' : 'false' }},  maxFileSize: {!! $size ? "'" . $size . "'" : 'null' !!},  maxFiles: {{ $number ? $number : 'null' }},  required: {{ $required ? 'true' : 'false' }},  disabled: {{ $disabled ? 'true' : 'false' }},  onprocessfile: () => notify()});

To add existing files, we use addFiles() method.


And finally, we can add some events to handle errors and success messages.

pond.on('addfile', (error, file) => {  if (error)    console.log('Oh no')})

You can see FilePond documentation for more details.

Livewire component

You can create a Livewire component to create a form with FilePond field.

php artisan make:livewire SettingsForm

You need Livewire\WithFileUploads trait to handle uploads and you can use $rules to add some validation rules for files. You have to set values with mount() method.

<?phpnamespace App\Http\Livewire\Form\Settings;use Livewire\Component;use Livewire\WithFileUploads;use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;use App\Models\User;class SettingsForm extends Component{    use WithFileUploads;    /** @var null|string */    public $avatar = '';    /** @var null|string[] */    public $gallery = [];    protected $rules = [      'avatar' => 'nullable|image|max:2048',      'gallery.*' => 'nullable|image|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png|max:2048',    ];    public function mount()    {        /** @var User */        $user = Auth::user();        $this->avatar = $user->avatar;        $this->gallery = $user->gallery;    }    public function save()    {        $this->validate();        /** @var User */        $user = Auth::user();        // Save avatar and gallery    }    public function render()    {        //    }}

And finally, you can create a view with FilePond field.

<form>  @csrf  <x-field.upload name="avatar" label="Avatar" wire:model="avatar" />  <x-field.upload    name="gallery"    label="Gallery"    wire:model="gallery"    multiple  />  <button wire:click="save">Save</button></form>